DHS Arizona State Hospital Independent Oversight Committee

The DHS Arizona State Hospital (ASH) Independent Oversight Committees (IOC) on Behavioral Health are established in accordance with ARS § 41-3804. 

The ASH IOC shall be composed of at least seven and not more than 15 members. At least two members of the committee shall be clients or former clients, at least two members shall be relatives of clients, two members shall be parents of enrolled children and at least three members shall have expertise in one of the following areas: psychology, law, medicine, education, special education, social work, or behavioral health services.  

The cadence of the meeting is scheduled on the 3rd Thursday of the month at 6:00pm. 

Pursuant to A.R.S. Section 38-431.02, the ASH Independent Oversight Committee is providing this notice regarding the physical and electronic locations where all public notices regarding public meetings, including the meeting agenda, are posted. The Board posts all public notices, including the agenda and meeting minutes, electronically on this page and on the Arizona Public Meeting Notices Website.


Committee Meetings

Title Meeting Date Agenda Minutes
DHS ASH IOC Meeting to Agenda Minutes
Open Meeting Law Training to Agenda Minutes
DHS ASH IOC Meeting to Agenda Minutes

Staff Directory

Committee Member

Jane Jepson

Committee Member

Janina Rotaru

Committee Member

Charles Goldstein, MD

Committee Member

Kay Kunes

Committee Member

Melissa Farling

Committee Member

Barbara Honiberg

Committee Member

Kim Scherek

Committee Member

Committee Member

Alyce Klein

Committee Member


Laurie Goldstein


Guidelines & Annual Reports